Centro Internacional de Investigación Científica
International Scientific Research Center
Curso Internacional de Investigación Científica
International Scientific Research Course
“Investigación Científica: Cómo Planificar, Desarollar y Publicar un Trabajo Científico ”
International Scientific Research Center 10th Anniversary Celebration:Program at PAHO/WHO,Washington DC,June 2,2004
Center 10th Anniversary Celebration: USA Journey
Argentina has a strong scientific tradition:Is one of the only 15 countries in history that has achieved 3 Nobel Prizes in Sciences.
Dr. Mirta Roses Periago: PAHO Director since 2003
Center 10th Anniversary Delegation at PAHO Main Hall: Washington DC,USA, June 2, 2004.
Center 10th Anniversary Scientific Exhibition in PAHO: Dr. J.Emerson(USA), Dr. E.Teruel (Brazil), Dr.H.Barceló (Arg), and others experts visiting the Exhibition.
Dr.C.Bermudez(CenterDirector)at a conference in PAHO, June 2,2004: "Symposium on Scientific Research and Globalization".Next to him,left to right, Dr. Richard Van der West, Dr.Mirta Roses Periago(PAHO Director), Dr.R.Rios, Dr.H.Barceló (Rector IUCS).
International Seniors and Juniors Researchers attending the "Symposium on Scientific Research an Globalization" organized in PAHO for the Center 10th Anniversary.
Dr.Mirta Roses Periago (PAHO Director) receives a distinction from Dr.Carlos A.Bermudez (Center Director), during the Center 10th Anniversary celebration in PAHO
International Researchers at the Scientific Exhibition in PAHO, framing the banner with the motto of the International Scientific Research Center:"The Nobel Prizes and the Novel Researchers"
Researchers Annual Delegation visiting PAHO/WHO Headquarters at Washington,DC,USA
Dr.Carlos Alvarez Bermudez, International Scientific Research Center Director
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